Late Breaking News

As the life of a filmmaker is rather crazy I'll do my best to keep this page updated. But if I fall a bit behind it's only because I'm busy making this film Amazing. -AT

3/15/04 We've cast our Blues Player: And the musician is...Michael Be Holden. Michael has been playing bass and blues guitar for over 30 years. He is perfect for the role. When I get some pics of him, I'll post them on line. Michael and I have begun the process of trying to make the Prophecy sing, and it's sounding great!

Deacon Jones master blues musician of the Hammnond B3 Organ did us a huge favor and found Michael. Please lend him your support and buy some of his great blues cd's.

3/16/04 We've begun our pitch for HD equipment from Panavision. Hopefully they will be able to help us out with a High Definition camera. This will enable us to capture the film digitally and do our special effects on a computer before printing back to film.

3/16/04 Jeff Okun, Visual Effects Supervisor for The Last Samurai and countless great films, has agreed to lend us some of his precious time to guide our approach in creating the Visual Effects. Thanks for your generosity Jeff.

He did some fantastic work on The Last Samurai. Many of the effects were so invisble you would never know they were effects at all.

3/30/04 We officially have a casting director. Her name is Rosemary Welden and she has been casting features for a long time. We have begun the casting process and are moving ahead full steam.

4/15/04 I just came out of the recording session for the opening and ending blues music, and I have to rocks! Michael did a fantastic job, and we even convinced Deacon Jones to lay down some keyboard tracks. (Deacon played with John Lee Hooker for 14 years).

On top of this we had Chad Wright laying down some very hot drum beats. Chad's worked with the likes of Roy Gaines, Stevie Wonder and Shaka kan. Needless to say, it's very catchy and perfect for the film. I'll try to have a link for it within the next week. Auditions are also coming up soon, so I'll keep you posted as to how things develop in the cast.


Well. I promised I would write as often as I could, but i am a bit behind...we have been up to some very cool things. We shot the commercials for the Veggie Power Patties which Prometheus watches on TV. It was a tremendous amount of fun and the cast, costumes, and makeup were all simply amazing. We all had a fantastic time, and I think everyone was excited to finally be shooting something. I have since decided I am going to beg Mike Meyers to let me do Austin Powers 4. The 70's is a real fun period to play with. I have posted a rough cut of the commercials for everyone to check out.

Other good news is that Panavision has decided to donate an HD package so that is a huge relief. It's a bit hard to film without at camera ;-) A funny thing about filmmaking is that it really is a series of very small miracles that make things come together.

We have also been in the process of pitching to Paramount Studios to let us use their backlot to shoot the NewYork Style Streets for the film. It's pretty hard to find an old looking brick building in LA. This film would be a lot easier to shoot on the East Coast for sure. Next time, I'm gonna write a film that feature Palm Trees, we have plenty of those here.

BTW...I can't tell you how hard it is to find a real basement in Los Angeles. Believe me, we looked all over town. Turns out the majority of houses have basements that are only a 1/4 of the size of the foundation. In other words, really small for a film crew and full cast but great for a nice Pinot Noir. So instead we have decided to build the basement on a stage. It's expensive, but it will give us more flexibility and time to shoot which is a real necessity.

Speaking of which...We are officially cast! We've found some terrific actors and rehearsals will start this week. Soon I will have their headshots posted on line so you can check them out.

Oooh...and then there is Joe Dante. Joe Dante is acting as an industry mentor for the film. He directed some of my favorite films as kid, Gremlins, Inner Space, The Explorers, The Burbs..etc. Very cool guy, super nice. He is going to help guide me through the filmmaking process providing his input as we move from shooting into post-production.

The wheels of the film machine are rolling Ladies and Gentleman and we are creating some amazing stuff. Make sure you check out the commercials. It's still a little rough around the edges, and it needs a decent sound mix, but you can get the idea. - AT

-More News To Come!